’11 Creme Florale, MKRS


Creaminess with camphor and chrysanthemum finish.

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Creme Florale (400g) is MKRS’s tastiest creation since the hallowed ’10 Tiger.  This is a treasure that’s bound tomake a Puerh Junky out of you, ifffin’ you’re not already.  For starters, just opening the wrapper you’re hit with a waft of sweetness.  It just smells like sugar and sweet.  Then there’s the water…

Poof!  Creme Florale turns up the volume on sweet, accompanied by vanilla, cream soda impressions, root beer. . . yes root beer, then hints of something floral.  Super enticing.

The broth is rock sugar, nothing but pure rock sugar, with an absurdly thick and smooth texture.  Some might say creamy.  In comes a faint chrysanthemum note.  Most flowers the Puerh Junky cannot identify by taste, but chrysanthemum is an exception.  That’s because it’s the best flower for drinking, gentle and at the same time not too frilly or perfumey.

This routine intensifies through subsequent infusions but with one exception. . . camphor.  From the second and definitely the third a “huzza” sensation arises in the huigan.  It’s camphor meets chrysanthemum.  There’s expansive cooling in the mouth intermingled with chrysanthemum.  It’s pure. . . huzza.

There’s bitterness on the back end and this builds with each infusion after the fourth round.  It comes alongside a saccharine sweetness.  The after effect on the tongue is also somewhat drying.  Crafted from Mengku large-leaf variety puerh picked “before the rains” (雨前).  Dry stored in Kunming under decent warmth.  April ’21 acquisition.  400g.



20g, 400g